The Root - Reisverslagen van Dolf - The Root - Reisverslagen van Dolf -

The Root

The Root is a trip I made in 2004. It was the first time journey to the Moluccan-islands. I travelled with a group of people for about three weeks. Four singles and a family. The first week we went to the Moluccan-islands. Each of us with were going to their home-island. The family went to Ceram, two singles went to Saparua, I myself went to Nusalaut and the last single went to Bali, where we will come together in the second week. The third week we went travelled on Java to Jakarta.

Recente Reisverslagen:


Actief sinds 16 Aug. 2009
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 4092

Voorgaande reizen:

16 Augustus 2009 - 30 Oktober 2020

Groningen / London

02 Augustus 2004 - 22 Augustus 2004

The Root

04 Juni 2003 - 18 Juni 2003

Turkey 2nd trip

Landen bezocht: